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About Us

Arizona Legal FormsClients are welcomed and encouraged to make an appointment at either of our Tucson offices to have their legal documents prepared by one of our licensed attorneys. As an affordable alternative, clients are able to utilize our virtual law firm web service to obtain fixed fee legal documents in many areas of the law, including wills/trusts and estate law, business law, consumer law and family law. Arizona Legal Forms can provide over 200 legal documents, including many that are offered at no charge.

Great care should be taken when shopping around for legal documents – it is imperative to have an attorney prepare and review legal documents because only a licensed attorney can give legal advice. At Arizona Legal Forms, clients work virtually – online with a licensed attorney. Clients also have the ability to make an appointment to meet with one of our attorneys, or to call the office to discuss their needs.

Arizona Legal Forms can expedite your legal documents as early as the next day, depending on how complex your documents are. Nobody should be without a trust or will, power of attorney, or living will/health care power of attorney. In addition, Arizona Legal Forms can help you start your business by providing the legal documents the state of Arizona requires. Arizona Legal Forms can prepare these documents, and over 200 others, and can expedite them to you, for an extremely affordable fee.

Our virtual law office capability makes it convenient and easy to conduct business with our office if you are unable to schedule an office visit or if it is simply more convenient for you to work online.

Arizona Legal Forms, PLLC | Tucson Foothills location: 2482 E. River Road, Tucson AZ 85718 | Downtown Tucson location: 204 S. Scott Ave. Tucson AZ 85701|
Phone: 520.977.4619 | Fax: 928.833.9974 |